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1D1F Policy Has Created 160,000 Jobs – Finance Minister1 min read

1D1F Policy Has Created 160,000 Jobs – Finance Minister<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Ken Ofori-Atta, Ghana’s Finance Minister has outlined that the Government’s flagship program, One District One Factory has created 160,000 jobs direct and indirect jobs.

Ken Ofori Atta explained that, the jobs have been created for the youth who have been mobilized to establish agro-processing factories in 58 districts.

However, speaking in Parliament on Monday, July 31 during the presentation of the 2022 Midyear Budget titled ‘Nkabom Budget’ said a total payments under the Agenda 111 programme stood at US$189.34 million, with 83 active project sites in all 16 regions of the country as at May 2023.

“Mr. Speaker, Planting for Food and Jobs has brought substantial improvements in Ghana’s agriculture sector. This has resulted in increased food security, employment along agricultural value chains, and accessibility of raw materials for developing industries. The programme has directly contributed to increased crop yields for major food staples such as maize, rice, and soya by 135 percent, 67 percent and 18 percent  respectively within the period.”

“After a comprehensive review, Government is finalising PfJ Phase II to ensure a more efficient and targeted support for the agricultural sector. The key elements of Phase II are Inputs Credit System, Storage and Distribution Infrastructure, Commodity Trading and Digitised Platform.”

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