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24 Years In Parliament Is Enough, It’s Time For New Face And Leader – Sammy Binfoh Fires K.T. Hammond1 min read

24 Years In Parliament Is Enough, It’s Time For New Face And Leader – Sammy Binfoh Fires K.T. Hammond<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Sammy Binfoh Darkwa, Parliamentary Candidate aspirant at Adansi Asokwa Constituency has fired incumbent Member of Parliament, K.T Hammond and 14 others who filed a petition seeking his disqualification from the Parliamentary Primaries.

Sammy Binfoh said all the allegations levelled against him by K.T Hammond and 14 others were baseless adding they don’t have any evidence.

Speaking on the Ama Ghana Morning Show on Time FM 97.7Mhz he told host, Nana Kwabena Ampratwum that  K.T Hammond has served in Parliament for 24 years which is enough and it is time for a new face and leader.

He was angry that K.T. Hammond should have thanked the constituents and bowed out from the primaries.

Sammy Binfoh expressed the hope that he would win the contest hands down.

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