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Abena Soreno Calls For Action To End Period Poverty2 min read

Abena Soreno Calls For Action To End Period Poverty<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>
Abena Soreno

Abena Soreno


Ghanaian broadcast journalist and menstrual health advocate, Abena Soreno has made a passionate appeal for an end to period poverty at the just ended Global Citizen NOW conference held in New York.

Soreno’s presence at the conference highlights the need for increased attention and resources towards menstrual health advocacy and menstrual equity.

The broadcaster has been using her media platform to create awareness about menstrual health and push for menstrual equity in Ghana through her NGO, GoalsForFlow.

During the conference, she was joined by Harnaaz Sandhu, former Miss Universe, in a special segment where they gave a presentation on the importance of solving period poverty and ending the stigma around menstrual health.

The presentation also included a call to action to fund the Global Menstrual Equity Accelerator (GMEA), an initiative launched at the Global Citizen Festival 2022 that seeks to end period poverty through influencing policy, fighting stigma, and providing support for education and resources.

In a social media post, she expressed her excitement at participating in the conference and her commitment to continue advocating for menstrual equity and related issues.

“I’m super thrilled to have experienced renowned leaders take turns in front of thousands of people who joined via streaming portals, to find sustainable solutions to challenges and issues happening all around the world.”…“Being on the Global Citizen Stage has been a humbling experience. Thank you for giving me such an incredible opportunity to add my voice to thousands of activists around the world to continue the fight for Menstrual equity and its related issues.”

The Global Citizen organization is a global advocacy group working to end extreme poverty by 2030 through various initiatives such as raising awareness on critical issues including access to healthcare, education, climate change, and inequality.

The Global Citizen NOW action summit held in New York City last week brought together notable activists, artists, and world leaders to facilitate discussions and collaborations aimed at finding solutions to the pressing challenges affecting humanity and the planet.

Story by: Pius Agyemang Owusu

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