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“AKIM SWEDRU CONSTITUENTS THREATEN TO VOTE SKIRT AND BLOUSE” -A FALSE REPORTAGE<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">3</span> min read</span>
Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko

Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko


The Constituency Executive Committee and rank and file of the New Patriotic Party in the Akim Swedru Constituency have read with shock a mischievous publication by an anonymous writer in the Opera News edition of Wednesday 19th April, 2023.

This publication which seeks to dent the enviable image of the sitting Member of Parliament alludes that Constituents have threatened to vote-out Hon, Kennedy Osei Nyarko for non-performance and disrespect to his constituents. We want to state unequivocally that this publication is completely false, unfounded and has no merit.

A piece that is shrouded in unwarranted jealousy and infantile politicking. We therefore call
on the good people of Akim Swedru, both within and without and the general public to disregard
this publication since it has no premise.

Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko, for now, is one of the best Members of Parliament, this constituency
has ever had.

This constituency under his tenure has seen more developmental projects than any other Member of Parliament the Constituency ever had.

His respect for all his constituents has been
very exceptional. Hon Kennedy Osei Nyarko is a gentleman who is highly admired and respected
by all.

The allegations leveled against him and this vain declaration are simply surmisals.

The publication made reference to an unfortunate coverage by Onua FM/TV,an Accra based Media house , in which about six members of the Aduasa community, one of the numerous towns
and villages within the constituency were speaking ill about the Member of parliament who was on a national assignment and could therefore not honor an invitation to attend a fund raising event for the community.

It will interest the general public to note that, two of the six people interviewed by
the biased and unprofessional reporter from Onua FM who happen to be polling station executives
in Akyem Aduasa have admitted that their conducts were inappropriate and pronouncements
complete false .

They have apologized to the constituency Executive Committee and the Member
of Parliament.

The two are on probation pending the constituency Executive committee’s decision
to summon them before the Disciplinary Committee or otherwise. Meanwhile in this same
community referred by this publication, the Member of parliament has, among other things, put up modern ICT Laboratory furnished with computers, a Police post with ancillary facilities,
provided six mechanized boreholes, sponsored over seventy apprentices to learn their respective
trades and provided them with cash and tools, enhanced mobile telecommunication networks which before then was so bad and further ensured that the road in and out of Aduasa has been
awarded to contractors who are on site, The number of youth he has helped employment into
various services are not even mentioned.

It is very unreasonable that this publication could use the
conduct of these six people, who are alleged to have been paid by an opponent of the Member of Parliament to discredit him ,to make this hasty generalization.

Akim Swedru Constituency has been one of the most peaceful constituencies in the Eastern Region
all by dint of good Leadership, hard work and understanding and we are not going to sit aloof to
have the relatively peaceful constituency plunged into chaos by few evil minded and selfish individuals with parochial mentality.

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