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Akim Swedru MP Energizes Base Through Health Walk1 min read

Akim Swedru MP Energizes Base Through Health Walk<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


Kennedy Osei Nyarko, the Member of Parliament (MP) for Akim Swedru in the Eastern Region, over the weekend organised a health walk exercise in Akim Swedru constituency in the Eastern Region.

The walk recorded massive turn-over of regional executives, constituency executives, electoral area coordinators, polling station executives, party faithful and constituents. The walk was aimed at keeping the constituents and the party members fit ahead of the election, a campaign strategy to energize, engage and interact.

The participants were clad in party colours and paraphernalia hints the principal streets of Akim Swedru with public address system and brass band amidst singing and dancing.

According to him, being physically active can improve ones brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of diseases, strengthen bones and muscles, and improves ones ability to do everyday activities. The Member of Parliament (MP) continued that “Breaking the Eight”, mantra is not a mere rhetoric but a vision which would be accomplished.


Based on the massive turn-out the MP was confident that the Eight years mantra has already been broken in Akim Swedru Constituency. The MP thanked the participants for the massive turn-out and support.

Kennedy Osei Nyarko touted the achievements of the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo-led administration.

According to him, the NPP government inherited a National Health Insurance Scheme that was saddled with huge debts but today, “Nana Akufo-Addo and his Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta have cleared all those debts”.

He also asserted that the Free Senior High School (FSHS) initiative, which opposition parties thought will not see the light of day has produced tangible results.

“The free SHS has expanded opportunities for all school-age children and is intended to lessen the burden parents bear when schools reopen.” “The election next year is for free continuation of SHS,” he declared.