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Ashanti Region: NPP Leads in Health Infrastructure Development – Liberal Institute for Policy Studies Claims2 min read

Ashanti Region: NPP Leads in Health Infrastructure Development – Liberal Institute for Policy Studies Claims<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

A new report by the Ashanti-based think tank, Liberal Institute for Policy Studies (LIPS), suggests a significant difference in healthcare facility development between Ghana’s two main political parties.

The LIPS report, launched on Tuesday, compares the records of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) and the New Patriotic Party (NPP) over the past decade. It focuses on three key areas: projects inherited from previous administrations, new projects initiated, and completed facilities.

The report claims that during the NDC’s rule from 2009 to 2017, no inherited hospital projects were finished. Additionally, new initiatives like the Fomena and Kumawu District Hospitals weren’t completed either.

In contrast, the LIPS report credits the NPP, in power since 2017, with completing six inherited projects, including the Bekwai District Hospital. Dr. Keskine Owusu Poku, head of LIPS, highlights further achievements beyond traditional hospitals.

These include the Mother and Baby Unit, credited to First Lady Rebecca Akufo-Addo’s fundraising efforts, and five specialized facilities like the Patase Police Hospital and Zipline medical drone delivery. Dr. Poku emphasizes the significant improvement in ambulance services, going from just two functional ambulances to 48, with each constituency receiving one.

The report concludes that the NPP has a demonstrably stronger record on healthcare infrastructure in the Ashanti Region compared to the NDC.

About the Liberal Institute for Policy Studies (LIPS)

LIPS is a newly established center-right think tank promoting liberal democracy, economic freedom, and individual rights in Ghana. Their research focuses on various policy issues, including healthcare, education, and governance.

The founding members of the LIPS Think Tank include:

Professor Dr Dr Otchere Addai-Mensah – President

Dr Keskine Owusu Poku – Executive Director

Victor Osei Poku

Other key members are:

Dr. Anthony Nsiah-Asare – Special Consultant to LIPS on Policy Direction and Monitoring.

Essel-Mills – Director of Research

Jimmy Boahie-Ansah – Director of Administration and Finance