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Assin North By-election: Honour My Wife By Voting For NDC – Widower Of Late NDC Supporter1 min read

Assin North By-election: Honour My Wife By Voting For NDC – Widower Of Late NDC Supporter<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>
Widower of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Supporter who lost her life while on campaign tour with ex-President John Mahama at Assin Dansame in the Assin North Constituency has urged residents of the constituency not to let his wife’s blood go waste by voting massively for the NDC in the forthcoming by-election.

Husband of the deceased, Yaw Sarfo who is also a branch executive of the party said his wife died painfully for the party she loved, henced appealed to leadership of the party to always honour his wife’s memory and loyalty.

“I advise that we are very careful during the upcoming by-election so that we don’t lose anymore life. Again, I appeal to residents to consider the painful death of my wife and vote massively for the NDC candidate, Gyakye Quayson to become the MP, so that when he’s in power he can also help take care of the children my wife has left behind.”

A supporter of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) who was traveling with former President John Mahama on his campaign at Assin North constituency in the Central Region died in a road accident on Saturday, while others sustained injuries.

The accident led to the former President suspending his campaign for two hours to visit the bereaved family and the injured persons.

“I’ve had to suspend my campaign in Assin North for about 2hrs to visit injured sympathizers who were involved in an accident after our engagement at Dansame. Unfortunately, we lost one of our comrades who enthusiastically joined others in the programme. Our condolences to her family,” his tweet read.

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