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B.J. da Rocha Vindicated Over Alan Cash’s Resignation From NPP – Prof. Smart Sarpong1 min read

B.J. da Rocha Vindicated Over Alan Cash’s Resignation From NPP – Prof. Smart Sarpong<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Senior Research Fellow at the Kumasi Technical University (KsTU) has said that the late first National Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and a founding member of the party, Bernard Joao da Rocha has now been vindicated over the statement he made in 2008 when Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen resigned from the party.

B.J da Rocha

In April 2008, when Alan Kyerematen resigned from the NPP and there were attempts to persuade him to come back to the party, a former Chairman and elder of the NPP, Mr B. J. da Rocha said it would not be in the best interest of the NPP to receive Mr. Alan Kyeremanten back into the NPP.

His reason was that he could become a “disruptive factor in the party, a stumbling block and loose cannon”.

“The party has an election to win. We should concentrate our efforts on the task ahead and let him go his way in peace,” Mr. da Rocha said in a report filed by the Ghana News Agency in 2008.

According to Prof. Smart Sarpong who was speaking on Time FM’s Ama Ghana Morning Show, during the latter part of Alan Cash’s speech on September 25th, 2023 it seemed he was calling for support from the NPP when he said the party supporters could vote for their preferred Parliamentary Candidate but should vote for him as the President.

The Senior Research Fellow described Alan Cash’s statement as a destructive element.

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