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B/R: Four Killed In Renewed Chieftaincy Dispute @ Sampa1 min read

B/R: Four Killed In Renewed Chieftaincy Dispute @ Sampa<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Four individuals were tragically shot dead in Sampa, within the Jaman North District of the Bono Region, amid a renewed chieftaincy dispute on Friday, March 29, 2024.

The identities of the deceased, all male, have not yet been disclosed, according to reports.

Several others, including a 12-year-old boy, sustained gunshot wounds and are currently receiving medical treatment at various health facilities in the region.

The 12-year-old boy, hit by a stray bullet, is reportedly in critical condition and has been referred to the Sunyani Teaching Hospital for further treatment.

Jaman North District Chief Executive, Solomon Owusu, was unavailable for comment as he was en route to a District Security Council (DISEC) meeting addressing the issue.

However, according to source the dispute involves two individuals claiming the title of Omanhene of the Sampa Traditional Area: Nana Samgba Gyafla II, who pledged allegiance to Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, Asantehene, and Okogyeama Yaw Saamor-Dua II, recognized as the legitimate chief by locals.

The conflict reportedly arose when Okogyeama Saamor-Dua II’s team attempted to collect cashew royalties from purchasing companies in the area, given that it was cashew season. Nana Samgba Gyafla II’s team also sought to collect royalties, leading to a confrontation between the two groups and resulting in the fatal shootings.