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Bawumia Eulogises Chief Imam On His 104th Birthday1 min read

Bawumia Eulogises Chief Imam On His 104th Birthday<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Today, April 23, 2023, marks the 104th birthday of the religious leader.

Dr. Bawumia eulogised the cleric during the Eid-al Fitr celebration at the Black Star Square on Saturday, April 22, 2023.

The vice president referred to Sheikh Osmanu as a blessing to Ghana and beyond in relation to the great strides the Chief Imam has made in terms of maintaining peace in Ghana.

“For our grandfather, Sheikh Osmanu Sharubutu to be with us for 104 years, It’s a special grace from the Almighty Allah. The life of Sheikh Osmanu Sharubutu has been a great blessing to our nation and beyond. What he has done for this country in terms of peace and harmony and tolerance is incalculable and we just thank Allah for him.

“As our Imam and leader, he symbolises the way we are admonished to live as Muslims: peaceful, kind, humble, honest and selfless,” Dr. Bawumia said about the Sheikh.

Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia also added, “As a national icon, the Chief Imam commands the respect of everyone across the political and religious divide because of what he represents and his deep appreciation and tolerance for diversity. He has become a great symbol and tool of religious tolerance in Ghana. Reaching out to both his Christian peers and leaders of other Islamic sects in Ghana.

“Personally, the Chief Imam has been a guide and an inspirer. Mallam is indeed God’s gift to all of us. On this special occasion of his 104th birthday, I wish him good many years and good health.”

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