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Bawumia Joins Kwabena Agyepong For Mother’s Memorial Service In Asokore Mampong2 min read

Bawumia Joins Kwabena Agyepong For Mother’s Memorial Service In Asokore Mampong<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

In a show of solidarity, Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia, and flagbearer hopeful of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP), joined Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, a defeated flagbearer aspirant, at his residence today for the 10th Anniversary Memorial Service of Kwabena’s late mother.

The memorial service, held at the residence of Mr Agyepong in Asokore Mampong, Ashanti Region, was attended by a host of dignitaries, family, and friends who came to pay their respects and honour the memory of the departed.

Vice President Bawumia expressed his condolences to Mr Agyepong and his family. He commended Agyepong for organizing the event to honour his late mother and extended his support and solidarity during this period of mourning.

In his remarks, Vice President Bawumia spoke highly of the late mother, acknowledging her role in shaping Engineer Agyepong’s life and the impact she had on the community.

He highlighted the importance of family and the need to remember and cherish the memories of loved ones who have passed away.

Kwabena Agyei Agyepong, a prominent figure in the New Patriotic Party, was also present at the event and expressed gratitude to Vice President Bawumia for his presence.

Agyepong thanked all those who came to pay their respects and shared fond memories of his mother, recounting her dedication to her family and community.

The memorial service was filled with heartfelt prayers, hymns, and tributes that celebrated the life and legacy of Engineer Agyepong’s late mother.
The gathering served as a poignant reminder of the importance of honoring loved ones and maintaining strong bonds within the community.

The presence of Vice President Bawumia at the memorial service underscored the unity and solidarity within the New Patriotic Party, as he stood side by side with Mr Agyepong, despite their political differences. It also highlighted the Vice President’s commitment to fostering strong relationships within the party and the nation as a whole.

As the memorial service concluded, attendees expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to remember and celebrate the life of Kwabena Agyepong’s late mother. The event served as a reminder of the shared values and sense of community that binds Ghanaians together in times of joy and sorrow.

The 10th Anniversary Memorial Service for Kwabena Agyei Agyepong’s mother will be remembered as a solemn and touching occasion, where political boundaries were set aside, and unity and solidarity took center stage.