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Boris Johnson Endorses Donald Trump For US Presidency2 min read

Boris Johnson Endorses Donald Trump For US Presidency<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

In a recent statement, Boris Johnson, former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, articulated his support for former U.S. President Donald Trump, underlining an affinity for Trump’s style of politics. Johnson’s remarks, characterized by his distinct wit, sharply criticized the ‘global wokerati,’ a term he deployed to define a group purportedly overly progressive or ‘woke.’

Johnson’s endorsement of Trump was not without specific conditions. He predicated his support on Trump’s backing of Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Russia. According to Johnson, a Trump presidency could prove advantageous for the world provided he supports Ukraine and champions free markets and capitalism. Johnson, a steadfast ally of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, has been actively soliciting support for Ukraine among American conservative figures.Johnson heaped praise on Trump as a leader whose unpredictability and readiness to use force could serve as a formidable deterrent to western adversaries. Johnson, who supported Trump’s bid for the White House, hailed him as a counterforce to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s actions in Ukraine.

Johnson also derided the global ‘wokerati’ over their apprehension about a potential Trump victory. While he acknowledged Trump’s propensity for provocative remarks, Johnson expressed personal admiration for Trump’s style. His comment about the ‘global wokerati’ trembling so much that one could hear the ice tinkling in their Negroni cocktails at gatherings like the Davos conferences was a humorous illustration of their reaction to Trump’s politics. This was likely an attempt to ridicule what he perceives as the elitism and detachment of certain global influencers and thought leaders from the general populace.

Despite reservations about potential security risks if Trump were re-elected, Johnson contended that a Trump presidency could be beneficial for the world, particularly if he supports Ukraine and his ‘sheer unpredictability’ acts as a deterrent to the West’s enemies. He also hinted at the prospect of a proper free trade deal with Brexit Britain under Trump’s leadership.