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Breaking Barriers: Introducing The First Female Student Representative Council President Of UDS,Tamale2 min read

Breaking Barriers: Introducing The First Female Student Representative Council President Of UDS,Tamale<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>
Hussein Rukaya

Hussein Rukaya

My name is Rukaya Hussein , and I am honored to have been elected as the first female Student Representative Council (SRC) President. With this historic achievement, I am excited to lead the way in breaking gender barriers and making a positive impact on our student community.


Audit Committee Faculty of sustainable Development 2021- 2022
Chairperson   [UDS -TLC]

General assembly          Students Representative Council 2019-2020
Representative                        [UDS – TLC]

CAMFED Association         CAMFED Ghana 2017-2019

General Secretary                Municipal Education Committee [Yendi]           2017-2019

Library prefect                  Ghana Senior High School 2015-2016

Student Beauty Queen of the Year
Face of desa
Second position interclass debate competition[DESA]
Since my coming to UDS, I have taken many leadership roles and I have achieved several significant milestones. I have successfully implemented initiatives, which have greatly benefited our student body. Through these efforts, we have fostered a more inclusive and supportive environment on campus.


Vision and Mission:
Looking ahead, my vision for the SRC is to secure students both personal and professional development that will impact their lives on campus and beyond, based on the principle of sustainability. Also, to continue promoting diversity, inclusivity, and student welfare. A mission to secure student’s development that will impact them in school and beyond the borders of the school. I believe in creating a platform where every student’s voice is heard and valued. By working collaboratively with both students and faculty, I aim to address key issues, implement necessary reforms, and ensure that our student community thrives.

Message to Students:
To my fellow students, I want to emphasize the importance of active participation in the SRC. Your voice matters, and together, we can bring about meaningful change. Whether it’s by joining committees, attending meetings, or sharing your ideas, I encourage each of you to engage with the SRC and contribute to our collective growth and success.

In conclusion, I am humbled by the opportunity to serve as your SRC President and be a part of this historic moment. As the first female president, I am committed to breaking barriers and working tirelessly to create a better student experience for all. Let us unite, support one another, and make our voices heard. Together, we can shape a brighter future for our student community.

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