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C/R: 8 Year Old Boy Dies After Drinking Poisoned Palm Wine1 min read

C/R: 8 Year Old Boy Dies After Drinking Poisoned Palm Wine<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


The people of Awutu Bremang in the Central Region have been thrown into an uncontrollable wailing following the death of an 8 year old boy.

The boy popularly known as Agya Kon allegedly drunk the poisoned palm wine and died.

His auntie, Mercy Acquah said the boy collapsed upon reaching home and when he was taken to the hospital it was diagnosed that he took in poison.

‘All efforts to help him vomit the poison proved futile and he died at the hospital’, the sobbing auntie told

She later revealed that the palm wine tapper laced the drink with poison after detecting that some people have been stealing from his farm.

However, two of his playing mates who did not drink the palm wine escaped unhurt when they heard the foot steps of somebody approaching the area.

His body has been deposited at the morgue awaiting autopsy while the farmer is yet to be identified.



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