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Cecilia Dapaah Rights Are Being Violated – PNC1 min read

Cecilia Dapaah Rights Are Being Violated – PNC<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


The People’s National Convention (PNC) has expressed its disappointment with the way women are being mistreated and judged by civil society organizations, the media, and political parties.

The party believes that these bodies, who are responsible for upholding the rights of women, are not providing evidence or allowing accused persons to speak for themselves.

In a statement signed by PNC’s General Secretary, Janet Asana Nabila, it was noted that despite claims that there are institutions in place to tackle situations like Madam Dapaah’s stolen money scandal, these institutions rely heavily on rumors, which further alienate women from politics. The PNC noted that fighting corruption only comes into full gear when women are involved.

The statement further emphasized that Ms Dapaah’s case is not unique and others like Victoria Hammah, Dzifa Attivor, and Betty Mould Iddrisu also experienced unfair treatment while serving in politics. The few women already involved in politics are pushed away when they encounter challenges.

The PNC called for the Constitution to be effectively enforced, with all persons, regardless of gender, receiving natural justice before passing judgement.

The party urged the government to allow fair hearings for all persons in light of the Constitutional mandate that mandates equal treatment before the law.

The PNC called on the government to do better in protecting the rights of women and ensuring that they receive the same treatment as men before the law.

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