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Chibsah Petitions Manhyia…Over Kotoko ‘Job’ Period1 min read

Chibsah Petitions Manhyia…Over Kotoko ‘Job’ Period<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>
The head of Professionals Football Association of Ghana (PFAG) player relations, Yussif Alhassan Chibsah, has petitioned Manhyia to review time allotted to Asante Kotoko’s board and management team.

Last week, Manhyia dissolved the club’s board and management team after a three-year term; a situation the former Kotoko midfielder describes as unhealthy.

To the former Black Meteors captain, three years is too short a period to make meaningful headway in football administration.

As a result, the former Ljunskille SK (Swedish club) man has proposed a five and ten-year term to Manhyia for the next board and management team.

“Three-year terms for Kotoko management/board are not helping the club. Three years ago, Kotoko was at this same point that we are today,” he told Oyerepa FM.

He added, “We have tried this method for two-three times and it’s not helping, so I am pleading on Manhyia to give the next board/management at least between five and ten years.

“This period will help in implementing policies and strategies in achieving his goals and target. Three years in football is too short.”

Chibsah captained Ghana’s Olympic side when the Black Meteors last participated in the quadrennial competition in Athens, Greece, in 2004.

By Kofi Owusu Aduonum

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