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Court Frees Entertainment Mogul Big Slim Over Tyger Booty Murder2 min read

Court Frees Entertainment Mogul Big Slim Over Tyger Booty Murder<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

The charges related to the sudden and mysterious death of American Instagram model Tyger Booty, who had come to Ghana to help Big Slim launch his Silverfox Ghana club.

Per a report carried by Ghanaweb, the court dismissed the case on Thursday, June 8, 2023, after satisfying all requirements from both the American and Ghanaian sides.

Big Slim maintained his innocence throughout the case and said he remained silent because he believed in the natural course of justice.

The CEO expressed relief and gratitude to all his supporters, including his mother, and called it a “great day for Big Slim.”

Lawyer for Big Slim, Robertson Kpatsa, said the ruling was satisfying for both American and Ghanaian sides, who found no evidence against Big Slim.

The prosecution had concluded they did not have any evidence linking Big Slim to the death of Tyger Booty.

The court discharged him and struck the case off the records.

“Today is a very fantastic day. We went to court this morning (Thursday) in reference to the false allegations of murder in 2020, for a young lady that I brought to Ghana, Tyger Booty – one of my staff back then. Unfortunately, she met her demise in Ghana, which is very sad, and we hope that one day, the people responsible for such a heinous crime will be brought to justice, but today, I went to court with my co-defendant, Suzzy, and all charges against myself and my co-defendant were thrown out and we were found not to have any connection to the case whatsoever,” he told the news portal.

“So, I’ve always felt a tinge of sadness about her demise, but on the other hand, God is the highest, God is the greatest so we always found to not have any connection to her demise whatsoever by the court. The prosecution rightfully told the judge all investigations have been followed. It’s a long almost two-year battle and Big Slim, owner of Silverfox, has no connection to the case whatsoever,” he added.

The Silverfox CEO used the opportunity to express his gratitude to all those who stood by him, particularly his mother.

Speaking on the matter, Big Slim indicated that he always stated his innocence in this case.

He stressed that his silence all this while was because of his conviction that he was innocent and that he wanted the natural course of justice to prevail.


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