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Disinformation, Fake News Pose Grave Threat To Ghana’s Peace And Security– Kan-Dapaah1 min read

Disinformation, Fake News Pose Grave Threat To Ghana’s Peace And Security– Kan-Dapaah<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>
Disinformation, fake news pose grave threat to Ghana’s peace and security – Kan-Dapaah

National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaah.


Ghana’s National Security Minister, Mr. Albert Kan Dapaah, says the spreading of disinformation and fake news poses a grave threat to Ghana’s security, peace and democracy.

The proliferation of false information through various channels has become a growing concern, particularly in the context of national security

According to the country’s security minister, the propagation of false narratives through social media platforms poses a substantial threat to Ghana’s security.

Speaking at a conference addressing the Impact of Disinformation on Electoral Integrity, Peace, and Security in Africa, Mr. Kan-Dapaah shed light on the challenges associated with disinformation, especially in the wake of recent events, such as the coup in Niger.

“Following the coup in Niger, certain individuals in the academia, civil society, and the media you must have observed have been propagating false narratives in support of a coup or military rule,” the national security boss hinted.

He went on to stress the gravity of the situation, saying, “And let me repeat that today from where I sit, I can confidently say that this information is one of the major security challenges that I have to confront on a daily basis,” he stated.”