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Donate Towards Renovation Of KATH Irrespective Of Your Political Background – Asantehene1 min read

Donate Towards Renovation Of KATH Irrespective Of Your Political Background – Asantehene<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

His Royal Majesty, Otumfour Osei Tutu II has called on Ghanaians to donate towards the renovation of the KATH old blocks which is in a dire need.

This, the Traditional Lord said should be done devoid of politics to see the accomplishment of the project.

Otumfour Osei Tutu II was speaking at the grand launch of the fundraising campaign in aid of the comprehensive renovation of the KATH Old Blocks.

The project is part of His Majesty’s legacy projects marking the 25th Anniversary Celebrations of his enstoolment.

Otumfour expressed worry over the deteriorating state of KATH despite the important responsibilities the facility play in the country.

He noted that KATH serves 15 out of 16 regions in the country and other West African countries.

The Asantehene described the current state of KATH as disgracing with a call on the general public to donate generously to the project.

“I entreat you all to at least donate GHc 200 to the Heal Komfo Anokye Project,” he emphasized.

Otumfour called on the Members of Parliament in the Ashanti Region to focus on the development of the region and stop staying in Accra always.

For his part, the KATH CEO, Prof Otchere Addai- Mensah said the vision of the Asantehene is to raise $10 million through fundraising.

He sadly noted that the state of the KATH facility is unfit for healthcare delivery.

“Since the establishment of the facility in 1954, no renovation has been extended to KATH due to the availability of funds,” he revealed.

Prof Addai-Mensah posited that the project will help sustain and maintain quality healthcare delivery.