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EC Assures Integrity Of Results For NPP Presidential Election1 min read

EC Assures Integrity Of Results For NPP Presidential Election<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


The Electoral Commission (EC) officials have assured the public that the results of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) presidential election will be a true reflection of the delegate’s desires.

According to the Commission, they are committed to ensuring the right procedures are followed, and the right procedures for the polls include the use of exclusively the Voter’s Album provided by the Elections Committee of the NPP for the presidential primary.

Benjamin Bannor Bio, the Ashanti Regional Director of the Electoral Commission advised voters to conduct themselves well to ensure the election is conducted freely and fairly.

In the case of Mampong, only the MP and the MCE are registered, and others who have not had their election scheduled are not on the register. Therefore it is important that everyone shows up in large numbers to cast their votes on time, and to return to observe the vote counting when it is time.

Despite concerns about the album by some of the constituencies, Bio has clarified that the commission will not accept any other album for the polls.

The EC is ready to ensure that the right procedures are followed to maintain the integrity of the election.