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EC Commences Limited Voter Registration Exercise Today1 min read

EC Commences Limited Voter Registration Exercise Today<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Starting today, Tuesday, May 7, the Electoral Commission initiates a focused voter registration campaign, targeting first-time voters and individuals seeking to obtain a voter card.

Scheduled to run for 21 days until May 27, 2024, this exercise is set to enroll an estimated 623,000 new voters nationwide, as announced by Madam Jean Mensa, Chairperson of the EC.

Operating from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily, the registration centers aim to accommodate the anticipated influx of registrants. Madam Jean Mensa indicated that while the projection stands at 623,000, there’s flexibility to accommodate more, reminiscent of the 2023 projection of 700,000 registrants.

In anticipation of potential power disruptions, the commission has taken proactive measures, ensuring continuous registration services. District offices are equipped with rented generators, ready to kick in during instances of power outages. In worst-case scenarios, an offline mode will be activated, enabling manual registration with data stored on pen drives until regular power supply resumes.

“We’re striving to preempt any challenges arising from power interruptions. Our contingency plans include renting generators for all district offices. In the event of ‘dumsor,’ these generators will seamlessly ensure registration operations continue,” Madam Jean Mensa assured.