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ECG Arrests Over 1,550 For Illegal Connections1 min read

ECG Arrests Over 1,550 For Illegal Connections<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


An operation carried out by the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) in the Tema Region shows that 1,555 illegal connections were detected in February, 2023 alone.

In total, 6,491 illegal connections were detected within six months period from September 2022 to February 2023 by the Revenue Protection Unit of the ECG in the Tema Region.

But the month of February recorded the highest illegal connections .

Out of the GHC2,891,263.4 which ECG billed the arrested persons, an amount of GHC2,149,148.25 has been retrieved within the period.

The power distribution company detected these illegalities through routine meter monitoring to check the integrity of meters which forms part of ECG’s core duties.

The arrested customers, according to ECG will be charged with the offence of stealing and prosecute them.

ECG has therefore admonished customers to desist from all forms of illegal connection which includes meter bypass, meter tampering, direct connection, saying that “Basically, customers should please stay away from fidgeting with all ECG installations including meters.”

The Tema Region has nine districts under it namely, Tema North, Tema South, Nungua, Afienya, Prampram, Ada, Krobo, Juapong and Ashaiman.

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