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FDA Warns Public Over Polyfort From Nigeria1 min read

FDA Warns Public Over Polyfort From Nigeria<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) has warned the public about the recall of all batches of Polyfort Suspension from Nigeria.

The recalled drug is used for the treatment of heartburn, indigestion and hyperacidity and is manufactured in Nigeria by Swiss Pharma Limited.

A statement issued by the FDA on Tuesday, said the recall is due to negative results being recorded from a series of ongoing stability tests.

As a neighbouring country, FDA has cautioned citizens to be alert and cautious of the drugs they consume.

“The FDA’s surveillance team is actively monitoring the country’s ports of entry and markets to ensure that such unregistered products are not available in the country,” parts of the statement read.

It indicated that the FDA Ghana has not registered the product, however, anyone who comes across this product in trade in Ghana should report to any of the FDA’s offices across the country.

“The FDA’s surveillance team is actively monitoring the country’s ports of entry and markets to ensure that such unregistered products are not available in the country.

“Kindly check the registration status of regulated products from the FDA website,, or through the ProPer platform – before purchase,” it added.

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