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Fifi Kwetey Advocates House Cleaning In NDC2 min read

Fifi Kwetey Advocates House Cleaning In NDC<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>


In a powerful speech delivered at the commemorative anniversary of the 31st December Revolution, Fifi Fiavi Kwetey, the General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), has called for a thorough house cleaning within the party if it is serious to wrest power from the ruling party.

Kwetey highlighted the presence of gross decadence and decay within the NDC, asserting that this issue was larger than the rival party, New Patriotic Party (NPP) but nobody appears to care about it and it is creeping in deep in the party.

Kwetey emphasized the urgency of addressing the internal decay within the NDC, stating that victory in the upcoming 2024 elections would be meaningless if the same issues persisted.

“There is real decay and that decay continues to be in the NDC today. So, I don’t want us the NDC to pretend that 31st (December) is simply a day to bash NPP, (the) NPP is not the issue, the issue is bigger than NPP.

“The decay even within the NDC must stop with that blazing fire and that is what this business is about,” he cried out to the hearing of all the masses gathered.

He urged party members to confront the problem head-on, stating, “It is in vain if we win power only to continue what we see, only to do some of the things that we are seeing, and only to claim we are doing less, that is not enough.”

These remarks by Fifi Kwetey have resonated with former Deputy General Secretary, Samuel Koku Anyidoho, who has claimed vindication over his previous assertions that the party was suffering from moral decadence. Anyidoho suggested that his alleged expulsion from the party was due to similar calls for reform.

He challenged current Chairman Johnson Asiedu Nketiah and party leader John Dramani Mahama to take action against Kwetey, pointing out that Asiedu Nketiah oversaw his own expulsion process.

The comments made by Kwetey and Anyidoho have stirred up discussions within the NDC, with many members questioning the party’s internal accountability and integrity.

Party leaders are now under increased pressure to address the concerns raised by Kwetey and take appropriate action to restore the NDC’s credibility.

The 31st December Revolution, which took place in 1981, marked the re-emergence of former President Jerry John Rawlings as a military leader.

This significant event serves as a reminder of the historical importance of the NDC and underpins the urgency for internal reform within the party.

As the NDC moves forward, it remains to be seen how party leaders will respond to these allegations of decadence and whether decisive action will be taken to address the internal issues highlighted by Kwetey.

The upcoming 2024 elections are crucial for the NDC, and the party’s ability to clean house and present a united front may determine its chances of success.