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Focus On Politics Of Issues- Methodist Bishop1 min read

Focus On Politics Of Issues- Methodist Bishop<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


The Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church of Ghana, Most Rev. Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo, has called on politicians and their supporters to focus on issues instead of resorting to insults that are likely to inflame passions ahead of the 2024 elections.

The presiding Bishop who made the call in a new year message said Ghanaians were all the same with a common destiny hence the need for them to live peacefully with one another irrespective of the political party they belong to.

“As Ghanaians enter into the new year whose major focus would be among others, our General elections in 2024, my message to our political leaders and their followers is to be circumspect in thier utterances. They should address issues instead of resorting to the use of intemperate language and inflaming passions for conflict”.

“We must pray for peace, let peace rule our lives, seek peace and pursue it and do our best to live at peace with others this Christmas and the new year”. he added.

He also urged Christians to strive to invite Jesus christ into their lives with hope as they celebrate the birth of Jesus christ at a time when the world is filled with wars and rumours of wars, injustice, insecurity and abuses.

He further admonished christians not to be discouraged by any circumstances they found themselves especially in their finances but rely on Christ who is the greatest gift to humanity in a time of despair and darkness.

“At this christmas, let us live as people of hope who are expecting Christ’s presence from the busyness of modernity to allow the timeless message of Christmas to speak to hearts and our situations and bring the hope that we all need”.