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Food Suppliers’ Issues: Govt Has Lost Credibility – Amaliba1 min read

Food Suppliers’ Issues: Govt Has Lost Credibility – Amaliba<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>
Abraham Amaliba is the Director of Legal Affairs of the NDC

Abraham Amaliba is the Director of Legal Affairs of the NDC

A member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Abraham Amaliba has said the government has lost credibility therefore the food suppliers who have been picketing over the non-payment of their two years’ arrears, do not trust them.
Mr Amaliba asked the Finance Minister to find money to pay the food suppliers because their picketing is creating a bad image of the country to the international community.

“This government has lost credibility and nobody trusts them, he said.

He added, “They (the government) should find money and clear these people.”

Meanwhile, the management of the National Food Buffer Stock Company (NAFCO) has acknowledged its indebtedness to food suppliers which has resulted in the picketing.

The company says an emergency meeting has been scheduled by the board on the matter.

“NAFCO acknowledges its indebtedness to its cherished suppliers. The company sympathizes with them in this unfortunate situation they find themselves in which has compelled them to picket at our head office premises. The company is equally concerned about their plight and appreciates their patience.

“An emergency board meeting has been scheduled on the situation and the outcome including a possible roadmap for resolution will be shared thereafter,” a statement issued by the company on Thursday, July 6 said.

The picketing food suppliers said that they were owed two years’ arrears.

A spokesperson for the National Food Suppliers Association Koku Amedume said that this situation is putting pressure on them because they took loans from banks to enable them to meet the supply needs of the Buffer Stock.

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