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Funds Used To Buy Votes In Kumawu And Assin North Could’ve Paid The Food Suppliers – Mahama Jabs1 min read

Funds Used To Buy Votes In Kumawu And Assin North Could’ve Paid The Food Suppliers – Mahama Jabs<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>
John Dramani Mahama

John Dramani Mahama

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) presidential candidate, John Dramani Mahama, has claimed that funds allegedly used by the government to buy votes in Kumawu and Assin North might have paid off the National Food Suppliers Association’s debt.

The former president criticised the government of putting political chances ahead of national governance.

 The National Food Suppliers Association has been picketing at the National Food Buffer Stock Company’s (NAFCO) headquarters for the past few days, demanding payment of money owed them for over two years.

Commenting on the issue, he said “I daresay that the money that was spent in buying votes, in building ad-hoc roads in Kumawu and Assin North could have cleared all the arrears of the NABCO trainees and also cleared the arrears on the Buffer Stock supplies,” he said.

John Mahama was speaking at the Alumni Connect of the Tertiary Education Institutions Network – KNUST chapter (TEIN – KNUST).

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