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GFA Strengthens Regional Football Associations2 min read

GFA Strengthens Regional Football Associations<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

 Kurt Okraku


The Ghana Football Association (GFA) has led the way in strengthening the football sector in Ghana with several transformations and developmental interventions on a national scale.

After a period of dormancy in football due to the suspension of football as a result of the Anas Aremeyaw Anas exposé; the subsequent establishment of the Normalisation Committee in lieu of an existing and functional football federation and the election of a new president and administration which was ushered into office in October 2019, football suffered immensely.

Progress in the administration of Ghana football was further impeded and truncated due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the negative impact the enlisted events caused to Ghana football, the GFA under the stewardship of Kurt E. S. Okraku worked to firmly re-establish, sanitise and re-engineer the sector.

Below is a summary of all interventions by GFA in strengthening the football sector in Ghana.

Regional football associations (RFA) have been supported with sports equipment to improve the game.

These include but not limited to the following:   30 referees flags, 30 whistles, 30 markers,  four substitution boards, a set of office equipment (computer, system unit turbonet, printer/scanner) for each of the RFAs, Kits for ‘Catch Them Young Referees’,  UEFA Assist Footballs for Women’s Division One League Clubs 8.

The GFA has annually invested $100,000 in the purchase of footballs in support of RFA work.

Indications are that 80 boreholes are nearly completed within 10 regions, construction of FIFA standard astroturf in Bolgatanga, acquisition/sourcing a 6.5-acre land at Bolga for FA work, free capacity building workshop for club administrators, free IT player registration workshops, free FIFA youth coaching workshop for development coaches,  free training of juvenile scouts in the regions, free integrity training workshop, free referees’ instructors’ workshop, and  free  ‘Catch Them Young Referees’ training workshops (who were selected on merit from the regions.)

The FA has succeeded in introducing the innovative ‘Catch Them Young Referees’ policy in 10 regions, and introduced the innovative Game Centre policy in 10 football regions.

Synchronisation of Regional leagues in 10 regions, introduced the National U-17 Championship League, introduced the National U-17 Inter-Regional Challenge Tournament, and secured a $1 million sponsorship for Juvenile Football.

To a large extent, the GFA COVID-19 Relief Fund allocation – GH¢54,0002.

Monthly subvention from the GFA – GH¢3,500 for development. This has finally been increased to GH¢10,000 per month totaling GH¢120,000 per year per each RFA.

Each RFA accessed GH¢11,000 from the newly established Central Fund, introduction of monthly allowance of GH¢2,000 to RFA Chairmen per month, and Purchase and distribution of trophies and plaques for RFA leagues.

To the FA, who sponsored ten RFA Chairmen to the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar, making the institutions work at the regional level is one of the surest ways to ensure a paradigm shift at all levels in the country.

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