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“Ghana Has Turned The Corner After Three Difficult Years” – Akufo-Addo1 min read

“Ghana Has Turned The Corner After Three Difficult Years” – Akufo-Addo<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

“Fellow Ghanaians, am particularly glad that the nation has turned the corner following indeed 3 difficult years Ghana and the world have faced,” President Akufo-Addo has said.

According to the President, the inflation rate is declining and the country is experiencing a relatively stable exchange rate.

He continued in his 2023 Christmas message to Ghanaians that, growth in the country’s economy is rebounding “and we continue to attract investment both domestic and foreign.

He said Ghana is reforcing its position as the gateway to Africa and it remains a beacon of democracy, peace stability in Africa.

He accepted that Ghana is not completely out of hardship but quickly expressed the hope that there is a growing sense of confidence that with hard work and determination, the country will make it.