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Ghana Is The Political Mecca Of Africa – P.L.O Lumumba1 min read

Ghana Is The Political Mecca Of Africa – P.L.O Lumumba<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Patrick Loch Otieno Lumumba, former Director of the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission says the Black Stars of Africa is the political Mecca of Africa.

But P.L.O Lumumba was quick to assert that if Ghana is the Political Mecca of Africa then the leaders must sanitize and have hygiene in their politics.

He said Ghana’s politics was hygienic during the three and half year rule of the Late Former President, Professor John Evans Atta Mills.

P.L.O Lumumba who was speaking as the guest of honour at the 10th Commemorative Lectures of the Late President said if Ghana gets its right, Africa gets it right.

“Ghana can only be great if the whole continent is great because Ghana is the liberation for the Continent of Africa,” he said.

The Kenyan Lawyer said Africa is not great and that if Africa is great, it must be great from Ghana, South Africa and Everywhere.

Paying tribute to the ‘Asomdwoehene,’ he said Atta Mills’ greatest claim to fame was humility and it is a caution to arrogant African politicians to shun the arrogant attitude.

“John Atta Mills didn’t ban cathedral, John Atta Mills didn’t steal money. Africans must follow him.”

P.L.O Lumumba highlighted that Atta Mills was a warrior of peace and justice who demonstrated that it is not how you serve but how well you serve.

He appealed that it is time Africans give practice to the commune of what Atta Mills stood for.

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