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Ghana’s Diaspora Engagement Policy Launched At Jubilee House2 min read

Ghana’s Diaspora Engagement Policy Launched At Jubilee House<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

A Diaspora Engagement Policy has been unveiled at the Office of the President, Jubilee House, to enable Ghana to build a mutually beneficial relationship with its diaspora populations around the world.

Presenting the concept, President Akufo Addo explained that the diaspora support is not only for remittances but also for the exchange of knowledge, skills and innovation for long-term investment for sustainable development.

The Country Director of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Dr Dirk Aßmann, affirmed: “The Diaspora is a bridge that connects us to a wealth of knowledge, skills and connections that can take Ghana to new heights of inclusive development.”

According to Ghana’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, the estimated. number of Ghanaians currently living abroad ranges between 1.5 million and 3 million, and they are found in more than 33 countries worldwide.

Despite the impact of the pandemic on global economies, remittances alone to Ghana, according to the World Bank’s 2021 Migration and Development Report, shot up by 5% to US$3.6 billion, with Ghana ranking second behind Nigeria in the Sub-Saharan Africa region.

Consequently, the launch of the Diaspora Engagement Policy would facilitate the judicious. use of human and material resources by the diaspora for the socio-economic transformation of Ghana. The launch follows a series of stakeholder engagements and consultations.

These efforts were led by the Diaspora Affairs Office of the President and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration, supported through capacity development measures, policy advisory and peer-to-peer exchange by the programme “Shaping Development-Oriented Migration” (MEG), implemented by GIZ Ghana.

Other partners include the International Organisation for Migration and the Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana.

The Diaspora Engagement Policy represents a momentous milestone in the nation’s developmental trajectory and will remain an initiative that signifies the formal introduction and implementation of a comprehensive framework aimed at effectively utilising the immense economic, socio-cultural and diplomatic power embedded within Ghana’s global diaspora.