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GROUP CALLS FOR THE ABOLISHMENT OF BORDERS IN AFRICA<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


“Africans Rising,” an NGO recognized by AU, has called on the various governments in Africa to consider abolishing borders in Africa to enhance the free movement of people on the continent.

The group believes making Africa Borderless is the surest way of uniting the continent and bringing everyone together to boost trade, investment and unity as well.

This came up when the “Africans Rising” Group launched the “Africa Liberation Week” to commemorate the celebration of the AU Day on the 25th of May.

Speaking during the press conference, the Movement Coordinator for the Africans Rising, Hardi Yakubu stressed that, “Borderless Africa will unite the entire continent and make us a formidable force that can fight for one right.”

He also calls for the abolishment of Visa travel for African countries as he says, any citizen of an African country must not have a visa before entering into another which he says is a major cause of struggling among countries.

Mr Yakubu on the issue of rising terrorist attacks in the region said, “The Borderless African will even make it easy for the continent to fight all forms of security challenges since they will be handling issues as a united front.”

Source: Richard Obeng Bediako

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