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GWL Blames Pollution, Power Outages For Erratic Water Supply In Nsawam1 min read

GWL Blames Pollution, Power Outages For Erratic Water Supply In Nsawam<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


Ghana Water Limited (GWL) says it is actively engaged in efforts to reinstate water supply in the Nsawam township, in response to mounting concerns raised by residents regarding prolonged water shortages in the area.

Stanley Martey, Communications Manager for Ghana Water Limited, bemoaned the challenges faced by the Nsawam treatment plant, which serves not only Nsawam but also neighbouring areas like Pokuase and Amasaman.

Mr Martey attributed the water supply challenges in the Nsawam vicinity and neighbouring towns to two main factors: pollution of the Densu River and the recent irregularities in power supply.

Mr Matey indicated that new pumps are currently being installed and that once that process is done, the supply of water in the area will improve.

“We have a very serious challenge with the Nsawam treatment plant that serves the entire Nsawam area, Pokuase, Amasaman and all that. That plant is less than 10 years old but unfortunately, all the pumps broke down at the same time so we are replacing them.

“The pumps broke down as a result of the pollution of the water in the Densu River around the Nsamam area. And then there are the numerous power outages that we have been experiencing. So we have had to change all the pumps in that area. And you know pumps are quite expensive.

“We needed to import them into the system. So we are almost done with the installation of the pumps and when we are done, at least water flow to the Nsawam municipality will improve.”