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Haruna Iddrisu Exposes Ghanasco Toilet Dorm Reporter2 min read

Haruna Iddrisu Exposes Ghanasco Toilet Dorm Reporter<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>
Haruna Iddrisu

Haruna Iddrisu

This follows reports that a toilet facility has been converted into a dormitory after he endorsed the interdiction of the headmaster of the Ghana Senior High School (GHANASCO).

The immediate past Minority Leader after visiting the school and getting detailed information said the initial reports that a toilet facility has been converted into a dormitory are erroneous.

He explained that “My appeal to the media is to exercise circumspection in reporting historically accurate facts about Kabral and Gbanzaba dormitories. Much about what has been put out publicly is not entirely factual and accurate.

He added that “If these facts were earlier made known to me and any other person in authority, you ought not to ask the headmaster to step aside when you have the full facts available to you”.

The MP was earlier unhappy about toilet cubicles being converted into accommodation facilities for students at GHANASCO advised that, “We expect that we treat people serving this country in a manner that is fair and just. I will monitor the outcome of the investigations and the implementation of the committee’s report”.

He further noted that if the facts had been made known to the relevant authorities, the headmaster and the senior housemaster would not have been interdicted because they did no wrong.

The former Minority Leader in an April 17 statement described the development as unfortunate and called for further investigations to ascertain the truth of the matter.

Videos of students of the school using the toilet cubicles as sleeping areas went viral over the weekend and caused public outrage.

It resulted in the Ghana Education Service (GES) indicting the headmaster of the school, Douglas Haruna Yakubu who denied the reports and described it as mischievous and a deliberate misrepresentation of facts.

However, he urged the media to be circumspect when reporting on such issues.

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