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Help Mahama To Craft Good Campaign Messages – Hon. Alexander Akwasi Acquah1 min read

Help Mahama To Craft Good Campaign Messages – Hon. Alexander Akwasi Acquah<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The MP for Akyem Oda, Hon. Alexander Akwasi Acquah has admonished the campaign team of ex- President Mahama to help their candidate to craft a more attractive campaign message for Ghanaians.

The MP said the 2024 elections is so crucial that all the campaign messages will be thoroughly interrogated by Ghanaians.

Hon. Akwasi Acquah who was a panel member on UTVs Adekye Nsroma on Wednesday, said the political debate must be exciting with issues especially from the camp of ex- President Mahama since he seeks to convince Ghanaians that he can do a better job.

“ The diplomatic community who are following our are political discourse will be disappointed if we spend a lot of time to discuss issues like introducing a 24 hour economy into Ghana “ he said.

Hon Acquah passionately insisted that Ghana was already experiencing a 24 hour economy and that ex President Mahama should come out with other exciting issues.

The Akyem Oda MP explained that because every economy thrives on the interplay of demand and supply, business will continue to operate for 24 hours when there is the need to do so.

Ghanaians expect more exciting issues that will inform their decision on who occupies the presidency come January 7, 2025.