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I Didn’t Insult You – Mahama Responds To Nana Akomea1 min read

I Didn’t Insult You – Mahama Responds To Nana Akomea<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>
Former President John Dramani Mahama has rejected Nana Akomea’s claim that he insulted him. 

According to Mr Mahama, he cannot insult “a friend like Nana Akomea.”

In Twitter post on Monday, May 29, the NDC flagbearer said Nana Akomea rather chose to misinform the public when he criticised him about his promise to cancel ex-gratia payments for political appointees upon his re-election.

“My friend Nana Akomea. I did not insult you. I know you know the difference between a lump sum ex-gratia payment and a monthly pension.”

“Why you chose to misinform the public was because of politics,” he tweeted.

The Managing Director of the State Transport Corporation (STC), in a press release claimed that Mr Mahama insulted him when he said  politics has destroyed his fine mind.

He said Mr Mahama’s penchant for insulting his critics is unbecoming of his stature.

According to him, the former president should desist from such conduct if he wants to be re-elected to the highest office of the land.

The former Okaikwei South MP thus urged Mr Mahama to find other ways of engaging his critics.

“Even if President Mahama disagrees with me, I am sad that he chose to lace his disagreement with insults to my person, by implying politics had caused me to lose my ‘fine mind’.”

“The last time other citizens commented on this same sentiment of President Mahama, he met them with similar insults, calling them ‘Silly’.”

“I urge President Mahama, that if he wants to be President of Ghana again, he should refrain from insulting citizens,” he said.

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