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I Don’t Think LGBTQ Should Be Legalised – Efia Odo1 min read

I Don’t Think LGBTQ Should Be Legalised – Efia Odo<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Efia Odo, a Ghanaian actress and socialite, has shared her opinion on the raging debate over the legalization or otherwise of LGBTQ+ activities in the country.

In an interview, Efia Odo disclosed that she is not in support of LGBTQ being legalized in the country but believes that people who identify as LGBTQ+ should be allowed to operate freely.

The actress further stated that there are a lot of malpractices in the country that have not been legalized yet, but people go about such practices unpunished. These misconducts she mentioned include weed smoking, adultery, and other forms of crime.

“Has the smoking of weed been legalized? Has adultery been legalized? Has committing a crime been legalized? But people still do it. So, I think the problem we have is its legalization. People can do whatever they want and live their lives as they want, but the problem that most of us find is the legalization of it. I don’t think it should be legalized”, she said.

“But people who are part of the LGBTQ+ community are not allowed to live their lives the way they want. At the end of the day, we commit sins. If you think somebody being gay is bad, then it means you lying is also bad, you stealing is also bad, and you fornicating is also bad,” she added.

Her take on the legalization of LGBTQ+ was in connection with the statement made by Speaker of Parliament Alban Bagbin that he would rather die than allow the legalization of such practices.

Efia Odo spoke of the need to pass a law that will protect the LGBTQ+ community, with her reason being that the rate at which these people are being harmed because of their lifestyle is very bad.


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