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I Have Sex Twice A Day; It Is Better Than Smoking – Edem2 min read

I Have Sex Twice A Day; It Is Better Than Smoking – Edem<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

Ghanaian musician, Edem, has opened up about his sexual life and how it has helped him to maintain his body in a healthy state.

He claims to have a strong desire for frequent sexual activity, engaging in the act twice daily when not preoccupied with business responsibilities.

The musician noted that he has never been depressed in his entire life even though he has had his low moments and that has not lured him to take drugs or smoke weed.

“I prefer sex to smoking and any other thing because It’s healthier. That will also be relative because If I’m flying around the world and I’m busy, I don’t. But if I’m in a space for a week and not doing anything, once or twice [having sex] a day is fine.

“I’m married and I just said that If we have nothing to do once or twice a day is fine. If I’m in Ghana working, when the opportunity presents itself I do it for the sake of the family,” Edem said in an interview with JoyPrime TV.

Edem further stated that he has never been depressed in life due to the fact that he does not smoke weed or take in alcohol on a consistent basis.

“I have never been depressed. I’ve had low moments in life, but I’ve never been depressed. I think the reason is because I don’t smoke weed. I don’t do any of those things. I don’t smoke cigarettes. I don’t do intense alcohol. I’m a very rare occasional drinker. I feel that for you to go into depression you need to do those things to drive you into that space.”

When Edem was quizzed on whether he is addicted to sex or not he retorted, “No, I can’t be addicted to anything because my Bible says anything you are addicted to is your God.”