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I Miss My Daddy, John Mahama – Mzbel2 min read

I Miss My Daddy, John Mahama – Mzbel<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>


Ghanaian musician cum entrepreneur, Mzbel, has mentioned that she has missed the former president of Ghana and the NDC presidential candidate, John Dramani Mahama.

The musician, describing the former head of state as her father, stated that it had been a while since she heard from or met with John Mahama, stating how she missed him.

Speaking in an interview on 3FM’s Showbiz927, which was shared on Twitter, Mzbel further said he has lost the contact number of the former president but it is not something she would wish to have.

She added that if John Mahama wanted to give his number to her, he would have done that, therefore, she would not chase people for his number.

She said: “It’s been a while. I miss him; I miss my daddy. I don’t have his number and I guess he has changed his old number. I don’t want it because if he wants me to have his number, he would let me have his number. I don’t have to chase for it. I didn’t chase for it before”.

During the interview, the female singer was asked why she would not wish to be in contact with the former president.

Mzbel replied by saying that it was because of the controversial issue that transpired between both of them.

She went on to say that she is happy with how things are going and that John Mahama is not present in her life, and this is because she wants to avoid drama from Ghanaians and some people from the party.

“I think it’s fine. Things come and things go. I like it the way it is. I don’t want to have his number. I wouldn’t be involved in any drama or anything. People from my party attacking me, calling me names. So, it is better. I like how things are going for me now”, she told the host.

“The party does not have to welcome me. I am an NDC, you can’t take that away from me. It’s like I am a Ghanaian; you can’t take that away from me. So, they don’t have to welcome me to anything. They never did anywhere because of all these controversies. So, it is fine”, she added.

Mzbel and John Dramani Mahama had a close relationship in the recent past but due to one or two issues, the two had to part ways to avoid any future controversy.


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