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I Paid ¢1 Million Cedis For NPP To Get Majority In Parliament – Kennedy Agyapong1 min read

I Paid ¢1 Million Cedis For NPP To Get Majority In Parliament – Kennedy Agyapong<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, a flagbearer aspirant of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has disclosed the role he played for the party to be the majority in Parliament.

Speaking to delegates of the NPP in Tema, Ken Agyapong said that it took his intervention and his GH¢1 million for the condition given by Asiamah Amoako, who is now the 2nd deputy speaker of parliament, to be met, which made him join NPP in the House.

“If not for me, the NPP will not have majority in parliament after the 2020 elections. Because after the election, NDC had 137 parliamentarians, NPP also had 137 and there was one independent candidate.

“We wanted the independent candidate to join us and the condition he gave was that the NPP chairman for Adansi Fomena must resign before he joins us.

“I spoke to the Adansi Fomena NPP chairman and he told me that he will have resigned but a rural bank, he owes GH¢1.5 million will take him to court if he is no longer the chairman of the party in the constituency,” he said in Twi.

Ken Agyapong added that he paid GH¢1 million of the debt of the Adansi Fomena NPP Chairman, which led him to resign, for Asiamah Amoako to join NPP MPs to form the majority caucus.

The MP for Fomena, Andrew Asiamah Amoako, who is an independent MP, joined the NPP side in parliament so that they will become the majority in the House after the 2020 elections.


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