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I Was Under Training As A Mechanic Before Venturing Into Music – Lasmid2 min read

I Was Under Training As A Mechanic Before Venturing Into Music – Lasmid<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>


The “Friday Night” hitmaker recently revealed on Onua FM captured by that that he used to be a mechanic “Fita” before venturing into music full-time.

The artiste mentioned that his en route to music started while he was in training to become a mechanic but he realized his passion for music kept driving him hence he quit to pursue his dream.

“I was a mechanic, “Fita” apprentice ( auto electronics) but I was unable to complete it. I was trained for a period between three to six months but I realized that my destiny was in music so I had to stop. The errands too were a lot,”

Although he quit halfway through the training, he still has some expertise in the field should he be guided by a pro.

“I learned a lot of things so I can determine a fault in that regard but would have to get someone to do the fixing after I have identified the problem,” he stated.

He further added that was not pressured to study the trade by his guardians but by his will to give it a go and started the training which he did in Takoradi

“I wasn’t forced to learn the job but I wasn’t willing to do so. It was more like I was at home doing nothing. No one forced me. After a lot of thinking, I realized I had done a lot of difficult tasks before so this was no different; it was normal. I learned the trade at Takoradi,”

Lasmid has said he has no regret for quitting his training to pursue music because it has been worth it.

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