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If I Were President I Would Demand Answers And Hold Those Responsible For The Train Accident Accountable – Mahama1 min read

If I Were President I Would Demand Answers And Hold Those Responsible For The Train Accident Accountable – Mahama<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>
John Dramani Mahama, leader of the National Democratic Congress, has voiced concerns over a recent collision involving a newly acquired Poland train during a test run on the Tema-Mpakadan railway line. Mahama criticized the apparent oversight of neglecting track inspection prior to testing, asking pointedly, “How can you conduct a test run on a new railway line without a track inspection?”

Additionally, he questioned the duration the vehicle had been on the tracks before the incident occurred.

Mahama emphasized accountability, stating that if he were president, he would demand answers and hold those responsible for the mishap accountable.

Meanwhile, the truck driver, Abel Dzidotor, has been jailed for six months.

Abel Dzidotor, faces additional punishment should he fail to produce his driver’s licence as ordered by the court.

Abel Dzidotor was convicted and sentenced yesterday after admitting guilt to three out of the four charges leveled against him.

He was charged with inconsiderate driving and causing unlawful damage, among others.