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I’ll Hand Over Power To NPP – Nana Addo2 min read

I’ll Hand Over Power To NPP – Nana Addo<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>


President Nana Akufo-Addo has stated emphatically that he will hand over the baton of leadership of the country to a New Patriotic Party (NPP) president in 2024 to sustain his splendid works in political office.

Addressing a mammoth political rally in Kumawu on Sunday, he introduced the NPP parliamentary candidate, Ernest Yaw Anim, for the Tuesday by-election to the people.

According to him, his NPP administration has done a yeoman’s job to put the country on the path of prosperity, despite international shocks that have adversely affected world economies, which Ghana is included.

President Akufo-Addo therefore stated that the NPP would peacefully elect their next flagbearer and the party would also go ahead to unite and campaign for their next leader to succeed him as president in 2024.

Sounding very confident, he indicated that the citizenry are discerning, therefore they would definitely reward the NPP’s good works by voting for the party’s next flagbearer to lead the country in 2024.

“We have done the work already and those who have eyes to see can see our positive works. But those who cannot see our good works, I’m sorry, I cannot help them. We shall hand over to NPP presidential candidate in 2024,” he stressed.

Comparing his administration’s decision to go to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for support and that of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration, he said his administration cannot be faulted that much as they were forced to go to the IMF due to issues beyond their control.

According to him, whilst his administration went to IMF due to the external shocks such as the Russia-Ukraine war and COVID-19 pandemic, the NDC went to the IMF because of gross mismanagement in political office.

President Akufo-Addo said even in the midst of the external shocks and other challenges, his government has delivered and improved the lives of Ghanaians as compared to the NDC administration.

He, therefore, cautioned the electorate against voting for the NDC in 2024 since they don’t have the ability and men to lead the country, stressing the need for the NPP to retain political power in 2024 and sustain its good works.

“We shall unite to win power in 2024 and that victory starts from Kumawu on Tuesday. Let’s vote massively for NPP’s Ernest Yaw Anim, because he is the right person to lead the constituency into affluence,” he added.

President Akufo-Addo admonished the Kumawu electorates to reject the propaganda and politics of blatant lies by the opposition NDC and rather cast their ballot in large numbers of Yaw Anim on Tuesday.

FROM I.F. Joe Awuah Jnr., Kumasi

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