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Increase The Salary Of ‘Dampare and His Boys’ For A Peaceful Occupy BoG Demo – Security Consultant1 min read

Increase The Salary Of ‘Dampare and His Boys’ For A Peaceful Occupy BoG Demo – Security Consultant<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

A Security Consultant, Mr Richard Kumadoe has once again commended the Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr George Akufo Dampare and his team for a yeoman’s job done for ensuring a peaceful Occupy BoG demo.

Mr Kumadoe said it was a high level of professionalism displayed by Dr Dampare and his team.

Speaking on the Ama Ghana Morning Show on Time FM, he urged the government to increase the salary of the Police Officers for a fantastic job done.

The Security Consultant also commended the demonstrators for conducting themselves well.

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