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Invest $1 Million In Athletes And We’ll Give You Olympic Medal – Ghana Athletics Challenges Government1 min read

Invest $1 Million In Athletes And We’ll Give You Olympic Medal – Ghana Athletics Challenges Government<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>


Ghana Athletics has challenged the government to invest $1 million in Ghanaian athletes to win an Olympic medal.

Ghana has never won a medal in the track and field events at the Olympic Games after 18 appearances in the global event.

The Vice President of Ghana Athletics Osei Asibey argues that Ghanaian athletes are better than many athletes in the world, hence they need the maximum support to realize their potential of grabbing a medal at the Olympics.

“We challenge Ghana and the government, to give athletics $1 million and we’ll get you the results you’re asking.”- Osei Asibey told a press conference on Monday.

“The other Athletes you see all over the world are not better than our athletes, remember our athletes are student-athletes,- they live in the States, in the UK.  If they don’t work, they cannot feed.

“Kenya decided to make Omanyala a national project, see what the Nigerians are doing, they have companies and individuals and even the states supporting their student-athletes.”.

“What have we done for athletes? Anytime I say this, I speak with passion, in the last 10 years no discipline has done better than athletics, it’s a fact.”