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It’s Unwise To Go To Nogokpo, Let Them Take You To Court – Bishop J.Y Adu Defends Agyinasare3 min read

It’s Unwise To Go To Nogokpo, Let Them Take You To Court – Bishop J.Y Adu Defends Agyinasare<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">3</span> min read</span>

Bishop J.Y. Adu, the leader and founder of New Jerusalem Chapel (NJC) in Kumasi, has advised the authorities of Nogokopo to take legal action if they are dissatisfied with Bishop Agyinasare’s comments, rather than summoning the man of God to appear before them.

This comes in response to the recent controversy surrounding Archbishop Charles Agyinasare the Founder and Leader of the Perez Chapel International’s statement, referring to Nogokpo as the “demonic headquarters” of the Volta region, which has angered the town’s leaders and some traditionalists.

In a 14-day ultimatum issued to Bishop Agyinasare, the leaders of Nogokpo demanded his presence in the town. However, Bishop J.Y. Adu has cautioned against this approach, citing potential risks and uncertainties that may arise if the Bishop complies with the summons. Instead, he suggested that if the people of Nogokpo feel unsatisfied, they should pursue legal recourse.

“Based on the things that I have seen before, that is why I am saying that Bishop Agyinasare shouldn’t go to the town because already the residents of the town are angry, so if you go there, what will happen?” Bishop J.Y. Adu expressed in an interview with Kumasi based journalists.

He emphasized that if the residents of Nogokpo are concerned about Bishop Agyinasare’s remarks, they should consider forgiveness and seek peaceful resolutions. However, if they remain unsatisfied, the matter should be brought before the court for justice to be served.

Bishop J.Y. Adu further explained, “The constitution does not allow him to be forced and go there. The end results won’t be good, and that won’t help.”

He emphasized the importance of adhering to legal procedures and allowing the court to make a fair determination in the matter.

What Agyinasare said:

Speaking during Perez Chapel’s Supernatural Encounter program on Thursday, May 25, 2023, the archbishop explained that during a crusade in the area, he had asked one of his bishops to preach about witchcraft.

He added that this preaching was not something the witches in the area were happy with, and for that reason, something very unusual happened to them on their way back to their hotel to sleep.

“During this crusade in Aflao… we slept at Agbozume – that’s where our hotel was, and you have to go through Nogokpo… we only had not said it, but the second night, I made Bishop Yaw Adu talk about witchcraft, and we disgraced the witches and wizards.

“When we were driving from Aflao to Agbozume, immediately we got to Nogokpo, Bishop Yaw Adu’s 4-wheel drive, the tyre came out from under the car,” he explained.

Following the earlier statement by Archbishop Agyinasare about Nogokpo, the Dufia (chief) of Nogokpo, Torgbui Saba V, issued a statement in which he said that the traditional authorities of Nogokpo were looking into the comment and that they would make public the actions they would take on the matter.

“It has come to the notice of Torgbui Saba V. Dufia of Nogokpo about the current happenings on social media about Archbishop Charles Agyinasare.

“We wish to let Ghanaians and the world know that we are deliberating on the issue and you shall hear from us in due course,” parts of the statement read.


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