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Jordan Blames US Mauling On Inexperience1 min read

Jordan Blames US Mauling On Inexperience<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

Ghana and Crystal Palace attacker, Jordan Ayew, has blamed Black Stars mauling by their US counterparts to inexperience.

To him, inexperience on the part of many of the current crop of his mates accounted for the 0-4 defeat to the Yankees yesterday.

The Chris Houghton’s men were subjected to a humiliating  4-0 thrashing at the GEODIS Park following a disastrous first half display.

Consequently, Ayew, one of the most experienced players in the Ghana set up, has pleaded for more time for the new players in the squad.

He said in a post-match media briefing, “First of all, I feel like we need a bit of time because it is a new group with a lot of new players and most of the players are inexperienced, so it is not easy but we are working on it because we know we don’t have time and these type of games are a reality check.”

The former Marseille man added, “We know our level but we have to keep working hard to get this equation together and learn how to play together, it will come with time but we also know that football does not need time, so we are pushing hard and trying our best to better our performance as a team and with time, it will come.”

The US thrashing was Ghana’s second successive loss in less than a week, having lost 0-2 to Mexico earlier in the October international break.

Meanwhile, the coach has stated categorically that he is the right man for the job saying after the game, “If you ask me if I feel like I’m the right person for this job, the answer is yes.”