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Jubilee House Has Lost Its Value, It Is Now Avenue For Business Expansion – Hassan Ayariga2 min read

Jubilee House Has Lost Its Value, It Is Now Avenue For Business Expansion – Hassan Ayariga<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">2</span> min read</span>

The All People’s Congress (APC) over the weekend held its National Congress for the upcoming general elections at Asawase in Kumasi.

The Congress was coupled with a health walk and rich culture display by some party folks.

The Electoral Commission declared Dr. Hassan Ayariga, the party’s leader and national chairman, the only candidate the APC would run with in the December elections.

During his acceptance speech, Dr. Hassan Ayariga bemoaned the loss of value of Jubilee House or Flagstaff House, stating that it is no longer a place to change the future of Ghanaians or foster economic growth.

“Ladies and gentlemen in the year 2012, I made my first entry to run for the highest office of the Republic of Ghana. Over the years I have continued to run for the office and subsequently gathered a lot of experience, wisdom, and knowledge in my bid. The Flagstaff House/Jubilee House has lost its value, and it is no longer a seat or place to change Ghanaian’s future and build economic growth. it has been reduced to just a seat of business for political parties and leaders in power.”

According to Dr Ayariga, “Everyone thinks if he/she wants to expand their businesses and opportunities or to be relevant in Ghana.

He declared that if elected president, he would create an inclusive government and that he understood the anguish and suffering of Ghanaians.

A Call for peace, unity, and actions

Dr. Ayariga urged the party members to prioritize peace and unity within the party as they embark on a journey toward the general election.

“As we embark on this journey towards the general election, it is imperative that we prioritize peace and unity within our party. We must remember that we are all working towards a common goal to bring about positive change and progress for our beloved country. It is only through working together, with mutual respect and understanding, that we can achieve our objectives and secure a better future for all Ghanaians,” he said.