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Krachie West MP Weeps Over Lack Of Toilet Facilities And Water In Urban Areas, Charges Gov’t To Address It1 min read

Krachie West MP Weeps Over Lack Of Toilet Facilities And Water In Urban Areas, Charges Gov’t To Address It<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The Member of Parliament for Krachi West, Hon. Helen Adjoa Ntoso says it is very perturbed some Urban areas lack toilets facilities and portable water.

Hon. Adjoa Ntoso’s lamentation comes at the back of statistic published by the Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) that 1.4m households in urban areas lack water and over 400k are without toilet facilities

Participating on the Ama Ghana Morning Show on Kumasi based Time FM 97.7MHz, she charged the government to address the plight.

She commended GSS for the publication but urged the Service to ensure Government solves the issues.

The Krachie West MP said to curb open defecation, plans for the country must work.

She tasked Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies to ensure people acquire permit before building a house and also factor the provision of toilet facility.