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Lack of Resources Hinders Forestry Commission’s Fight Against Illegal Mining1 min read

Lack of Resources Hinders Forestry Commission’s Fight Against Illegal Mining<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">1</span> min read</span>

The Forestry Commission in the Greater Accra Region is facing an uphill battle against illegal mining and other environmental threats due to a lack of resources.

Deputy Regional Manager, George Agbenowoshi, highlighted these challenges at a tree planting ceremony hosted by Parliament.

Logistical Struggles:

  • Limited vehicles and motorbikes restrict field operations at district offices.
  • This makes it difficult to effectively patrol forest reserves and combat illegal activities such as mining, farming, fires, logging, and chainsaw use.

Funding Delays and Legal Hurdles:

  • Delays in releasing funds hamper forestry development initiatives, including plantation programs.
  • Legal cases involving illegal mining operations, particularly those involving Chinese nationals, often face dismissal due to a lack of interpreters.

A Glimmer of Hope:

Speaker of Parliament, Alban Bagbin, offered a beacon of hope, promising to procure a pickup truck and two motorbikes to assist the Forestry Commission’s operations.

This story underscores the critical role of proper funding and resources in environmental protection efforts. With improved logistics and a more streamlined legal system, the Forestry Commission can better tackle the challenges threatening Ghana’s precious natural resources.